Given that people's memories are short, and Tom Cruise even shorter, it wouldn't hurt if I rebooted some of the old previously read articles. A new venue for a classic channel demands nothing less. Roy Batty has been on my mind lately, and if you have not noticed, the default avatar for the Cult is a classic Roy Batty image. [At this point some of you are wondering, "Just who the heck is Roy Batty, and why do I care?" ] Watching Blade Runner is required homework for the Cult, especially because they do not make sci-fi quite like that anymore. Besides, it is a great movie—you'll just have to take my word for it. After that, you'll need to look up Rutger Hauer on your own. The movie plot goes something like this: It's the future, and a tech company has created replicants—androids that are almost human—and they have replaced or augmented humans in hazardous work environments (like mining), entertainment, and yes, pleasure. Things, however, go wrong ...
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